Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reactions to Doctor Who: Season 3

Episode 0 (Christmas special?): I cried during half this episode. And not because the episode was sad at all. Because it wasn't. It was actually really funny and upbeat. (Donna is hilarious) But it was so hard to watch an episode without-- well, I don't wanna spoil it for those who don't know. But it was SO HARD.

Episode 1: Hmmm so this is Martha. I haven't heard very many good things about you. And I don't know why, because you're kinda cool. Not as cool as everyone else, but I do respect you... And I can understand why you're so attracted to David Tennant because, really, who isn't? ;)

Episode 2: This episode is AMAZING. If only because David Tennant says that he cried while reading the seventh Harry Potter book. (which, when they made this episode, HP7 wasn't even out yet) And the other HP references make this episode forever one of my favorites.

Episode 3: The more I watch this show, the more I appreciate the ideas that the writers are putting into this. It really is just like a well-written novel, with all the elements a novel would have. I would totally read a book that had this episode as the main idea for the plot. :)

Episode 4/5: THESE ONE-SHOT CHARACTERS ARE GENIUS. I wish with all my heart that they would stay for more than these two episodes. Tallulah is my favorite, like ever. And I love Laszlo, Solomon, and Frank. Can I just keep all these characters at my house forever? Please?

Episode 6: Poor Martha's family... They have enough to deal with without all this alien interference in their lives. :P

Episode 7: "I reckon you'll find someone worth believing in..." "I think I already did."
I think I will ship Martha/Riley Vashtee forever. They are perfect. Even if he's just a one-shot.
The rest of this episode is kind of scary. And stressful. And sweaty. :P

Episode 8/9: WOAH NELLY. Stop breaking my heart and making me cry please. (this show has way too much power over my emotions... like WAY too much.)

But anyways, Sally Sparrow, I kind of love you. Why do I keep falling in love with these one-shots? Oh, and THIS. :)

Episode 11: Oooh this episode. THIS EPISODE. Sigh... I mean, really. Could the professor be any more suspicious? I totally knew what was really happening. (and when I started watching this, I did NOT know it was the first part of the season finale. How dare DW do this to me! I couldn't move for so long.)

Episode 12: So... The Master. I feel like this guy has been done before. He's the most deranged, unpredictable bad guy around, but somehow that makes him more predictable. And he reminds me of the bad guy from Sherlock. A LOT. (you know, Steven Moffat worked on both Sherlock and DW, which might explain the similarities I see between the two bad guys...)

Episode 13: I don't know how I feel about this. I like it, but I don't. But I'm confused. But Martha and.... I just don't know... This wasn't the season finale I expected.


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