Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I had the most terrifying Halloween of my life this year. And not a single piece of candy.

I hope your Halloween was better than mine!

(Just kidding. I had fun. And I got TWO pieces of candy!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I need a break from all of this. Mostly, I need Saturday to come. Or at least Thursday to pass. Sigh...

Old picture. Because I need more whimsy in my life.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Bumble Bee

Busy busy...

I think I'm busy every weekend until January 7th, 2011. I may have one or two saturday afternoons free, but every single weekend on my calendar has something scheduled till then.
Granted, most of the things on there are rehersals for Best Christmas Pageant Ever. (I'm the mother. I basically get to yell at kids on stage, for an hour. It's great.)

But who's idea was Friday rehersals? At 6:30? Don't you know that that's when people like to have social engagements? If I were in charge, I'd have them on Thursdays, so that people wouldn't have to give up their normal friends/life.

At least my part is pretty big. That's sort of makes up for it, but that means more lines to memorize. And speaking of lines.... we were supposed to be off-script today... Great.

Wish me luck! (I'll need it)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Zuko is Amazing

by spacecoyote

This cracks me up so bad. I love it. This is what the artist said about it:

I'm currently doing the art for the Airbender film prequel manga, and I got so tired of drawing Zuko looking cold/sullen/angry/disgruntled/etc. all the time that I cracked under the pressure and drew this. It was therapeutic.

haha. So true. I love cold/sullen/angry/disgruntled Zuko, but some of my favorite moments in the series are when he has this sort of contented smile on his lovely face:

Sigh... He's so beautiful.

I painted a 6-foot Zuko once. It was amazing. He now hangs in my friend Lara's bedroom. But I visit him often. :)

All images stolen from deviantartcom.

How I Found My Favorite Color

Dear Megan,
I was going to tell you the history of my favorite color in the comments, but then I realized that it was WAY too long to be a comment. So I'll just give you my reply in post-form.

First, let's take a look at number 13 in my list of facts....

13. My favorite color is accidently purple. I didn't mean it to be, it just happened...

Uh huh. Yup. Uuuuhh huh. Looks like I wrote that, and all the evidence points to it being true. Now let's take a look at your question:

How is purple your favorite color accidently? I love purple Nina! But most of that stuff is true about me too!

Well, it has a lot to do with the color of my bedroom walls, for some reason or another...

When I was about 6 or 7, my sister and I painted our room lavendar and pale green. It was cute and juvenile. At this age, I was positive that my favorite color was lime green. Not the green I had in my room, but BRIGHT green. I was sure it was. And it stayed Lime Green until I was 13 years old.

When we moved to the wonderful state of TN, I got my own room. It was beige, just like every other room in our house (even our garage was beige), and it stayed that way until Manisha went to college and I was allowed to move into her old room. My mom gave me permission to banish the ugly-beige from it, this time.

Now that I had my own room to paint, I was plagued with the decision of what color to paint it. I had out-grown my old favorite color and, for a while, thought that I was going to paint it red. I thought long and hard, and got the opinions of several people. In the end, I felt like red wouldn't be right for me.

A while later I got fed up and just went, "SURE, I'll paint it purple! I like purple!" So I did, and a couple of my friends came and helped me splatter this nice plum color all over the walls.

So it had been done, and I loved the results. It felt like me, for once, and I could tell that this was going to be the kind of room I hang out in all the time. (And I do hang out in it all the time) But even then, I wasn't sure what my favorite color was. I was definitely inclined to think it was purple, but I didn't want it to be definite. Like I was afraid that once I chose, I could never change it again.

Fast forward a few months and I was at Youth Conference. I was at a dance. It was formal, so I was wearing a floral-lavendar dress with dark purple, butterfly-shaped earings. (It was rather cute, I must say)
I got asked to dance by a boy I knew. While we were dancing, he asked me this:

"So what's your favorite color? Judging by your outfit, I'd guess it's purple?"

At that moment I had an epiphany. He was right... IT WAS PURPLE!!! Why should I deny it? My favorite color was purple!! It just WAS. And I never knew it until that moment of self-revelation.

That was a miraculous moment for me. Sometimes, I feel like other people know me better than I do. But self-discovery is part of what being a teenager is all about. Even if your discoveries are as lame as mine. :D

I hope this explained a few things, and wasn't too long!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Things First....

Hello there!

I don't know if we've met before but my name's Nina and this is my new blog! *Shakes your hand vigorously* I've always wanted a blog, so this is a very exciting day for me! But first, I think we should get to know each other. So here! Get to know me!

1. I'm half-white, half indian. This is, apparently, a defining characteristic of mine.

2. I'm homeschooled.

3. I'm Mormon, to the core.

4. I'm obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender.

5. I think in quotes. Mostly from Atla, but also from Harry Potter and Disney Movies and other random sources.

6. I love to sketch. People tell me I'm good, but I don't believe them.

7. My favorite word is 'ultracrepidarian'. Look it up.

8. I'm madly in love with 23 fictional characters and/or celebrities. That's right.

9. I have short hair.

10. I scream at every flying/falling object that comes within 20 feet of me. (includes bugs, basketballs, shoes, buttons, babies, etc.) It's true.

11. I'm fluent in Ubbi-Dubbi. My sister and I learned it from ZOOM when we were little.

12. I still watch Veggie Tales and am still just as entertained as when I was five.

13. My favorite color is accidently purple. I didn't mean it to be, it just happened...

14. Books, Lark Rise to Candleford, Prince Zuko, spinach and artichoke hummus, and singing are all my one weaknesses.

15. I laugh too much. If I laugh at your jokes, it doesn't really mean you're funny. It's just me. ;)

16. I'm an avid listener of MuggleCast. Jamie is my favorite host.

17. I love the sound of violins, and makin' someone smi-e-i-e-ile! (Sorry. I like Camp Rock.)

There, feel like you know me now? Well, if not keep reading! You'll learn something about me and my life eventually, I'm sure. :)