Monday, November 8, 2010

If the silence was a song...

Today is gross. Why you ask?
  • Reason 1: I'm sick.
  • Reason 2: It's Monday.
  • Reason 3: I don't want to do school.
  • Reason 4: I'm sick.
  • Reason 5: I have to go rehersal with a horribly stuffy nose. Yuck.
  • Reason 6: I really want to watch the third Sherlock episode but cannot since I have responsibility and need to study for a test I haven't scheduled yet.
  • Reason 7: I feel guilty for getting other people sick. Backstage, there's no such thing as personal space. Hello Germs!
  • Reason 8: I shouldn't complain, but am anyways.
  • Reason 9: Whenever I breathe out, I feel like I'm releasing poison into the atmosphere.

Did I mention I'm sick? Okay, maybe it's not that bad... I only have a stuffy nose and a slight sore throat/cough, but still. I hate it. But you guy's don't care, so I'll stop complaining...

Oh, well. On a side note, has anyone heard of Sherlock? It's basically modern-day Sherlock Holmes and it's amazing. My mom started me on it about a week ago. She was really excited about it, and she sent me the link to watch it online. I didn't care to watch it but then Rick Riordan mentioned it in one of his posts and I thought "Well, if he liked it enough to mention it on his blog, then it MUST be good, since he never talks about TV on there!!"

I have to say, when I started watching it, I thought it was kind of weird. But about 7 to 10 minutes in, I was thoroughly fascinated. Then by the end, I was gripping the edge of my seat. I could not stop, even if it meant being late for rehersal. 2nd episode was even better. Now the 3rd one is available, and I'm dying to know what's happening. Especially since my mom came in my room last night and went "YOU NEED TO WATCH THE NEXT SHERLOCK!"
Thanks, Mom. ;)

You all must watch it, now. That's an order.

P.S. I'm horrible at naming my blog posts, so I've decided to just take random song lyrics instead. 2 million points to whoever can guess what song and what artist!

P.P.S. You guys stink at this. The song was 'Private Radio' by Vanessa Carlton.


  1. NINA! I am shocked and appauled that you would have the audacity to say that I do not care if you are sick or not! For it is I that needs to know these sort of things! For if I did not have this information I would not be able to say... "I am very sad that you are sick, and I hope you feel better soon." And now that you have told me this I have just said it, so there! :p

  2. Aww, thanks Megan! It's only a little cold, but it's bugging me SO badly. I hope I feel better, too. tehe.

    And no guesses on the song? It's one of my personal favorites. ;)

  3. I have no idea what the song might be... sorry.

  4. Pauvre Nina. Il n'est pas amusant avoir malade!

  5. It's all good. :P I have a feeling that no one will get it. Oh well.

  6. Your mom has been buggin my mom about watching that show. Maybe we'll get around to it. We DID finish LRTC (that is, until January.)
    (SEASON 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  7. You should watch it. It's a thrilling show. ;)

    I love how your dad wants Laura with Fisher. It's positively hilarious. :)
