Monday, May 16, 2011

7 AM the usual morning line-up

Some Rapunzel sketches I did recently. I have NO idea what's happening at the top-right corner...

I think I want to marry Glen Keane. That way he can give me free art lessons. ;)

P.S. You should all listen to this like, right now. I'm obsessed.


  1. Those pictures are AWESOME!

    I think I know what's going on in the top right corner. She's obviously staring at Flynn Rider after his evening workout!

  2. Thank you! And WOAH that's not what I intended, but whatever floats your boat. ;)

  3. Nina!!!! I am so mad that you can draw like that, You are amazing!!! Keep it up Girl!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I love Rapunzel. Which is saying a lot, because I usually make fun of kid movies. ^_^

  5. Thanks Kallie!! You are the sweetest (and you encourage me to try harder) Thank you!!

    Sarah, I'm glad you've found a princess that you don't dislike. ;)
