Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Warm and Real and Bright

More art. Cuz you guys apparently love this stuff. :)

Don't ever learn to draw Rapunzel, guys. She is a serious addiction. I'm gonna have to start going to "Tangled-Fan-Artist Anonymous" pretty soon...


  1. I'm so jealous of your art skills! Keep it up!:)

  2. I really do enjoy your art! It's so much fun!

    I'm corious. Is the black guy some movie star that I don't know about, or just something flippin' awesome that you wanted to draw?

  3. Thanks! You guys are so sweet!

    The guy was in a video I watched for school and had to write a paragraph on. Instead of paying attention to what I was watching, I drew him. :P

  4. Now I knooooooow!

    I do that sometimes with my math. Instead of paying any attention to the lesson, I draw stuff. ;)

  5. It's a terrible problem for me. I don't do it SOMETIMES, I do it ALWAYS.

    But sometimes my doodles yield pretty good results, so I justify it. :P
