Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm on the right track baby

Hey guys! I promise that I'm still alive, and still drawing!

I've been drawing a lot, actually. It seems like the more I draw, the more inspired I am to draw. At 2 AM I get great ideas. (which gets annoying because then I can't sleep until I get the drawing out of my head... I'm becoming a true artist. -_-)

It's gotten to a point where I'm doing like, one big-ish project every few days. So I'm reeeeeealy backed up on what I have to show ya. But that's really good. :)

So I'm gonna be doing individual posts for each drawing. That way your attention isn't divided and it'll be easier to compliment me. Haha just kidding*. And it'll be easier for me to make my notes, too...

So don't be afraid to comment on a post that isn't at the top of the page! I check it all, and I'd love to get some input. :)

Are you guys excited? I know I am. :D

*or am I?


  1. I am SOOOOO EXCITED! no, wait, scrach that. I'm REALLY PUMPED! Or should I say SOOO PUMPED AND TRUELY THRILLED! I am waiting, and shall be waiting, for your next post (creepy stocker smile)> OwO

  2. I put a bunch of stuff up!!! :) Your excitment should be quelled now.
