Monday, December 5, 2011

doo wee dooooo

Is this REALLY the first piece of Doctor Who art I've put on here? REALLY?

There's probably a reason for this. The reason being, I'm lazy, and never draw Doctor Who Art. Well, I draw DW doodles, but those hardly count and are often terrible.

Well, this is the Ninth Doctor with Rose Tyler. They are cute, even if I can't draw them properly. :)


  1. You are SOOOO talented! -Sis Fitz

  2. I think we have all been lacking on the blogging portion of our lives, but we are only human.

    I want to watch Doctor Who I just can't seem to find the time.

  3. Thanks Sis Fitz. :)

    Yes Megan, I've noticed that you and I seem to be the only people who still update every now and then... :P

    I understand. If you still lived near me, I'd invite you over for a DW sleepover marathon. But you don't. :( Sad day.
