Oh and by the way, if you intend on watching this show sometime in your life, DO NOT let anyone spoil it for you. Not me, not wikipedia, not anyone.
I don't think I include any spoilers, though. Just opinions that don't make sense to anyone because they've never seen the show. The only reason I publish these is to increase Doctor Who awareness among my friends. :)
Season Four
Episode 0 (Christmas special): This episode should've been lonely, but it wasn't, thanks to Astrid. Good girl. You would've made a good companion, but I'm glad you weren't one. It'd be too complicated for poor Ten, I think. His emotions are already a mess.
Episode 1: DONNA!!!! From the moment you told us what you've been doing since your wedding day, I knew you'd make a fantastic companion... Okay, I love you so much you don't even know. You are hilarious and amazing and sweet and awesome gush gush gush gush....
Episode 2: I like this episode because, for once, the doctor goes back a little further than his usual 1800's-onward thing. I enjoy it a lot when he explores ancient history. But it is a little sad, what ends up happening...
Episode 3: Mixed feelings. This episode is so melancholy, yet it showcases Donna's compassion so well. Did I mention how much I love Donna? Oh yeah, I did....
Episode 4/5: Only The Doctor could set the whole sky on fire... Good episodes, but not my favorites.
Episode 6: I was so distracted this whole episode, because Jenny is actually engaged to David Tennant in real life. So whenever he looked at her/touched her shoulder/talked to her I'd freak out and be like "OH THEY'RE SO IN LOVE!!" when, in the episode, he was supposed to be her father. It was a little ridiculous of me, I'll admit. But Jenny is soooo cute with him, I can't help it. :P
Episode 7: LOVE this era. The whole wasp plot was a little weird, even for Doctor Who though. Oh well, it's still good. :)
Episode 8/9: One of the more scary/mysterious episodes. River was...interesting. (I have a lot to say about River, but I will spare you all for now.) Much crying, much broken heart-ness, and much being scared of the dark--basically how I sum this episode up. [Oh my goodness, Donna and her never-was husband made me cry so much. This show makes me so emotional...]
Episode 10: This episode make me terrified of playing copy-cat. SERIOUSLY, so scared. alkgletjlhnaega thanks a lot, doctor who, for making me scared of something totally NOT scary at all. This has happened so many times before, though. I could make a giant list of ordinary things that scare the living daylights out of me now, because of this show.
Episode 11: Oooh might be my favorite episode. It's basically a "what could've been" episode. And it's amazing, because it really shows how important Donna is. Even though she doesn't think so herself, she's special. And I loooove her. And the other companion in this episode... (scream, flip around, scream, freak out, etc)
Episode 12: You guys, never read any spoilers, because I think I didn't feel a fraction of the emotions that I should have while watching this. Lesson learned: Spoilers should be avoided at all costs.
Episode 13: The season finale TO END season finales. They made this SO epic, but my being spoiled just ruined all of this for me... :'( Still, it was good to see the story unfold and fit together, I guess. And to see everyone back together made me really happy. :)
The Season 4 Specials
Christmas Special: Hilarious, and cute, and a little sad. Don't have much more to say... I liked it? But I like all of this show, so that's no surprise to anyone.
Easter Special: There's so much to love about this. And I think, if I met David Tennant, I'd act EXACTLY like Malcom. Except I'd be crying, and I'd never let him leave. EVER.
Autumn Special: WHY IS THIS SHOW SO EMOTIONAL ALL THE TIME!!!! Totally cried buckets during this. why DW??
Christmas Special (part 1): You know everything I said about The Master? I take ALL of it back. This man has reached an Azula-level of craziness, and I LOVE it. I officially accept him as a ridiculously good arch-nemesis of The Doctor. Congratulations, John Simm.
New Years Special (part 2): His last one. Oh my gosh, if I thought I cried buckets two episodes ago, I clearly didn't know what was coming during THIS episode. All the emotion TOTALLY made up for what I felt was missing during episode 12/13. I cried just as much as I did during the season 2 finale, and that finale set a crying-personal record for me. These last two episodes were definitely the best way to end it though. :'(
Season Five
Episode 1: Everything, everything is different. The Doctor, the TARDIS, the theme song, everything. And it kind of upsets me, but I need to get over it. This episode is really good. Rory = love so if I have him I should be fine. But I do have a lot of adjusting to do.
Episode 2: Weird episode, but I gained a fraction of a percent of respect for Amy during it. Which was difficult for me, because Amy was such a jerk during the first episode. It was really hard for me to understand why The Doctor wanted her for a companion. But this episode really helped me see that she wasn't a complete jerk face, and that was good.
Episode 3: Good ole' Daleks. They never, ever die. I don't know why they're so afraid of extinction... They're pretty much as immortal as The Doctor is. But you know what? I didn't really feel like Eleven was The Doctor at all until this episode. I guess the Daleks being there reminded me that he is the same guy. This is the same show, and I think watching this really was what helped me adjust to all this new-ness.
Episode 4/5: Amy is terrible in these episodes. I was so mad at the end of episode 5 because I worked really hard to like her, to appreciate her as a companion and try to understand her and she just BLOWS it all up in my face. Also, I hate River in these two episodes. She SO full of herself, she think she can do anything, and that The Doctor should worship her and we totally don't know her at all so she can just stop now, thanks. (for the record, both Amy and River turn really cool in future episodes, but I can't stand them in these two episodes. Venting over now)
Episode 6: I live a Rory Williams-appreciation life. I mean, he is just the cutest. And I'm so glad The Doctor realized the damage he did, and was able to correct it. Good Eleven.
Episode 7: REALLY GOOD EPISODE. Amy has officially gained my respect during this episode, plus I have a new ship. <3
(ship as in relationship, for those who don't know. It's basically a couple I support in the series)
Episode 8/9: Love love and more love. I'm just really starting to love this new trio. They are so cute and capable and I'm pretty happy with where the show is going. It's just starting to feel right again.
Episode 10: I swear, Doctor Who's favorite thing to do is make me cry. I don't know why, but this whole thing is just so... I can't even put it into words. Just beautiful, I guess, but so much more.
Episode 11: This episode has it ALL. It's hysterical, romantic, a little bit scary, cute, funny, and kind of perfect. I can't even tell you how amusing The Doctor is in this episode. He is the epitome of quirky, and it's absolutely hilarious. This might be one of my favorites, actually.
Episode 12/13: Love this finale. It wasn't as epic as past season finales, but it was perfect for the season. Everything just happened the way it should happen. Rory is the single most wonderful boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He is PERFECT. I was so happy at the end of this.
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