Friday, November 19, 2010

Forbidden from One Another

See this mechanical pencil? Looks pretty average, doesn't it? Well, you couldn't be more wrong;

It's a magic wand in disguise.

It can do things. It can make you good at things you aren't normally good at. Just look at this:

Now, why is this so special? It's just a picture of a boy with his arms akimbo. Well, I'll tell you why he's so amazing: HE'S PROPORTIONAL!! His head is the right size, his shoulders aren't too big and his neck and torso aren't too long!!

I have serious problems making everything the right size, especially with boys, but this marks a new chapter in my life. One with well-proportioned males and non-awkward poses.

And for once, I actually can't think of anything technically* wrong with it! Maybe I could've made his hands a fraction bigger... But seriously, I think this is the one of the least awkward-looking things I've drawn. And he's kind of cute...

I'm actually proud** of this, and if you know me, you know I'm NEVER proud of what I draw. This is a momentous occasion.

And it's all thanks to a mechanical pencil I found on the coffee table... (Dreams do come true, kids.)

*It could've been a lot more emotional, his expression could've been bigger, etc... But that's the artsy side of things, not technical.
** I will probably be eating those words for breakfast in a few days... Just watch me learn to hate this picture. ;)


  1. I like him Nina! I knew you could do it! And I also like how you used the word akimbo!

  2. I drew him yesterday, and still like him! This is a new record for me, Megan!!

    (though I did fix the wonky shading a bit after I took this pic)

    And I love that word. I use it as often as possible.

  3. Very nice. He looks a little like Jaden T.(sp?). You're a really good artist!

  4. It does kinda look like Jaden! That's funny... And a total accident. :P
    Thanks Sister Fitz!

  5. NINA, I'm so extremly jelous. You know what? I'm going to drw a picture for you. And you're going to LIKE it.:)

  6. I will LOVE it, Sammy!!!! No one has ever drawn a picture for ME! (except Lara, that one time she drew me as a stick figure...)

  7. Nina, hate is a very very very very very ugly word, especially when you are applying it to your art. Learn to love, Nina. ^_^

  8. Hey! Don't insult that! It took a good deal of effort and thought. Don't belittle my efforts.
    And I love that picture, but not as much as I love the ones on my wall. :)

  9. Oh! The song is...

  10. But... the ones on your wall are so hideous!!! Can't I redo them? And I wasn't belittling your efforts. I love your picture. And you just won an imaginary car. Good job. :)

    And, Sarah. I don't really hate my art. Just the bad-looking pictures. ;)

  11. YES!!!
    I LOVE imaginary cars!!
